The final half term of the academic year saw a flurry of visits as I rebooted my in-person visits.
I had the pleasure of working with the Year 3 pupils at Unity Academy, Blackpool, creating fearsome pirate characters. An afternoon visit to St Catherine’s Academy, Bolton, was spent telling stories and answering lots of questions posed by the Year 3 pupils. A trip to Grange Primary, Preston, involved every class in the school listening to stories in the school hall. Two days were spent in Sunning Hill Primary, Bolton, where I delivered assemblies (pictures below) with Year 1 through to Year 6 and writing workshops with Years 5 and 6. To finish the academic year, I returned after a two-year absence to St John Southworth Primary in Nelson to share stories with all classes from EYFS to Year 6.
After so long out of schools I experienced all the feelings ranging from trepidation to sheer elation! It has been wonderful to reboot the in-person visits, whilst continuing to deliver the ‘virtuals’, which have become an established part of author life.
Bookings are in the diary for September 2021 and beyond. Bring it on!