Example reviews from Amazon.co.uk

A grand yarn which will leave you loving Eric – the lost boy who comes good. Dan tells the story with tension and more than the odd dash of humour. A highly recommended read. Will entertain you whether 7 or 70!”

“Fabulous book. We met Dan when he came to school and he inspired my son so much so he wanted to buy his books with an Amazon voucher he got for Christmas. Loves reading both books (more than once and they live on his bed he reads them so much!) and can’t wait for the next one……”

“What a great read – children will love the ups and downs that Eric faces and it’s lovely that he triumphs! I am sure that children and adults alike will recognise the sad character he starts out as but that everyone has some skill to offer in life and they can shine through when given the opportunity – a lovely read – can’t wait for the next episode.”

Click on the book cover to buy Eric Appleby: Zero to Hero from Amazon.co.uk

Read about Dan & Eric in the Blackpool Gazette