National Storytelling Week 2021 evolved into a two-week storytelling extravaganza!
All visits were virtual this year, because of Covid-19, but the storytelling action wasn’t affected. I spent time working with a range of ages, from Nursery to Year 8 in the UK and even overseas. Zooms with schools in Bedfordshire and Lancashire, plus an international trip to Gran Canaria, kept me busy during the daytime followed up by ‘virtuals’ with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in Leicestershire, Greater Manchester and Lancashire in the evenings! Overall, I spent around twenty hours with over one thousand children and young people promoting reading and writing. It’s a new way of doing things but I loved every minute!
Thanks to all the adults who booked me and were willing to evolve and adapt. This meant that the sessions could still go ahead. With a bit of thought and planning, anything is possible!
I’m going to limit my screen time over half term in preparation for a hectic-looking few weeks as the ever-popular World Book Day appears on the horizon. Bring on the virtual story action!